martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Level III- Stereotypes

Listening practice.

Song Title: Rat Race
Singer: Bob Marley

What does the title say to you?
Listen to the song and complete the spaces with the information that you hear.
Look for the unknown words.
Discuss about the message of the song

martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

USB- Level 2 Family questions


QUESTIONS: Japanese Family
How many people are there in her family?
How many siblings does she have?
What´s her mother´s job?
What´s her brother´s profession?
What activities do they like to do?
What are her chores or house duties?
What do they eat?

jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

Level I- Past Tenses

Activity 1: PAST- TO BE
Check the following link to practice the use of the past tense with -to be - form.

Extra: past tenses

Activiy 2: Do the reading comprehension activity the teacher will give you.
Also, answer the following questions based on the reading:
1. Identify the activities Dana can do during the day.
2. Underline the past tenses you can identify.

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

LEVEL 1: Abilities and past events

Activity 1: CAN- CAN´T
Check the following link for you to practice the use of: can-can´t

Activity 2: PAST- TO BE
Check the following link to practice the use of the past tense with -to be - form.


Activiy 2: Do the reading comprehension activity the teacher will give you.
Also, answer the following questions based on the reading:
1. Identify the activities Dana can do during the day.
2. Underline the past tenses you can identify.

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

LEVEL 1- Describing a place

1. Watch and listen to the following video about a person describing a place
2. Identify the expressions she uses to describe a place.
3. Answer the following questions>
- What´s the name of the place?
- It a common or uncommon place? Why?
-What activities can you do there?
- Mention three characteristics of the place.

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

LEVEL 2: Conversation and Description

Activity A:
1.Watch and listen to the following video about two friends describing their friends.
2. Identify the new or different adjectives or expressions that people can use for describing people (appearance-personality)

Activity B:
1. Watch and listen to the following video about a person describing a place
2. Identify the expressions she uses to describe a place.

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

LEVEL 1: Likes and dislikes

Activity 1: Likes and dislikes: checking sentences about what we like and don`t like

1. Check the follwoing link:
2. Check the vocabulary for the situations.
3. Pracice the Conversation with a partner.
4. Click the following link and play the game:
4. Write a short description of the things you like and don`t like to do.

Activity 2: Listening to people talking about what they like or don`t like

1. Watch the following videos, click on the link:

2. Answer the questions below.

a. What does Claudia like?
b. What does Claudia not like?
c. What does Elissa like?
d. What does Elissa not like?
e. Which things do you like to do that are the same as theirs?

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Cool information to check out

Hi guys,

This is the link for you to check some info about a very nice place to visit.

Check it out.

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

LEVEL 2 Using adjectives

Activity 1: Knowing vocabulary to describe people and things.

1. Look for the item: Practicing vocabulary on the rigth side of the blog.
2. Click on the link: English Vocabulary
3. Below the picture, click on the link: Words and phrases.
4. In the list look for the link: Common adjectives.
5. Check the words and listen to their pronunciation.
6. Check the Grammar adjectives explanation.
7. Check out the following video about people describing people.

Activity 2: Using adjectives to describe and compare.

1. Look for the item: Practicing grammar on the rigth side of the blog.
2. Click on the link: Test your English
3. In the English test list, click on the link: Adjectives-Comparisons Test 1
4. Click on Explanation adjectives
5. In the Adjective-adverb English Grammar list: click on Comparisons adjectives.
6. Read the Grammar explanation: A, B, C, D

Activity 3: Writing descriptions

1. Open the following link and do the exercises it presents:

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

Situación de la UdeA

Hi there,

Just for you to be informed.

Este miércoles 18 de abril, pasdas la una de la tarde, disturbios ocasionados por un grupo de encapuchados generaron temor entre quienes a esa hora cumplían con sus labores en la Ciudad Universitaria del Alma Máter.La situación provocó que las actividades académicas y administrativas fueran suspendidas.Los encapuchados bloquearon las distintas porterías (excepto la salida alterna a la portería del Metro) y lanzaron simultáneamente "papas bomba".Los miembros de la comunidad universitaria que atendieron el llamado de evacuación, tuvieron dificultades para hacerlo.Esta situación no sólo provocó crisis nerviosas, sentimientos de impotencia y angustia en la comunidad universitaria y en sus visitantes, sino también congestión en el lugar, pues por allí buscaban salir peatones, carros y motos.Una vez el Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios de la Policía, Esmad, hiciera presencia e ingreso por llamado de las directivas de la Universidad, arrojó gases lacrimógenos para controlar las acciones de los encapuchados.La acción hizo que éstos se desplazaran hacia la Plazoleta Central y que quienes no habían logrado salir se vieran afectados por los gases.En medio de los enfrentamientos entre encapuchados y miembros del Esmad, uno de los agentes de la Fuerza Pública resultó gravemente herido. Un explosivo que contenía metralla hizo que perdiera una de sus piernas. Los encapuchados también intentaron destruir con una bomba artesanal, el cajero electrónico de la Cooperativa de Profesores de la Universidad de Antioquia ─Cooprudea─, ubicado en el primer piso del Bloque 22.La situación, como ha ocurrido en otras ocasiones, también generó caos vehicular en los alrededores del Campus Universitario, pues el tránsito por la Avenida Ferrocarríl y la Calle Barranquilla fue suspendido durante algunos minutos.Desde las 5 de la tarde de este miércoles, se programó una reunión extraordinaria del Consejo Académico Universitario para evaluar la situación y definir la puesta en marcha de las actividades académicas y administrativas.Hace pocos minutos, los directivos de la Universidad, por medio de su cuenta en Twitter dijeron:1. Hace unos minutos finalizó la sesión extraordinaria del Consejo Académico de la UdeA. Mañana jueves 19 de abril, no se darán clases.
2. El Consejo Académico propuso jornada de reflexión sobre los graves actos violentos que afectaron hoy al Alma Máter.
3. El ingreso a la Ciudad Universitaria se reanudará mañana 19 de abril, a las 2 p.m. El viernes 20 se retoman las clases a las 6 a.m.

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

LEVEL 1- Prepositions


1. Check the following Chart about the use of some prepositions.







at 3 o'clock

in May

on Sunday

at 10.30am

in summer

on Tuesdays

at noon

in the summer

on 6 March

at dinnertime

in 1990

on 25 Dec. 2010

at bedtime

in the 1990s

on Christmas Day

at sunrise

in the next century

on Independence Day

at sunset

in the Ice Age

on my birthday

at the moment

in the past/future

on New Year's Eve

2. Do exercises on Practicing Grammar- English Page- prepositions

jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

LEVELS 1 and 2

Today we are going to review the importance of doing a project.

Read the following chart and comment with your partners what you understand about it.


A project is an in-depth investigation of a topic worth learning more about.

Done by:

§ a small group of [students] within a class

§ by a whole class

§ or by an individual.

Key feature:

§ It is a research effort deliberately focused on finding answers to questions about a topic posed either by the [students], the teacher, or the teacher working with the [students].


“To learn more about the topic rather than to seek right answers to questions posed by the teacher.” Katz, L. (1994).

The following characteristics summarize this type of work (Stoller, 2001)

§ Project work focuses on content rather than a specific language target.

§ Project work is student centered. The teachers’ roles change. They give support and guide during the process.

§ Project work facilitates cooperative learning through group work. Students can share materials, ideas, and knowledge along the way.

§ Project work leads to integrate skills trough similar real life tasks.

§ Project works culminates in an end product (e.g., an oral presentation, a play, a talk show, a video, a contest, a magazine, a newspaper, a big book, a didactic game, a brochure.)

§ Project work is potentially motivating and challenging. It may develop students’ self-esteem, confidence and autonomy, as well as promoting students’ language skills, content learning, and cognitive abilities.

STEPS FOR DOING THE PROJECT: these stages can serve as a guide for the project development during the term. Pineda, D. (2009)

ü Topic Selection

ü Defining the format for the project

ü Exploration

ü Questioning

ü Planning

ü Monitoring

ü Presentation of the project

ü Evaluation

Prepared by Sandra Echeverri. 2011

Adapted by Foreign Languages Teacher Carolina Herrera 2012

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Welcome to our blog!!!

Hello guys,

This is going to be our blog: here we will post assignments, interesting and funny activities, and we can share what we know with our classmates.


Click  HERE , you`ll fing a list of phrasal verbs. In class we`ll check the most used. Here are some: TURN ON TURN OFF GROW UP PICK U...