jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

LEVELS 1 and 2

Today we are going to review the importance of doing a project.

Read the following chart and comment with your partners what you understand about it.


A project is an in-depth investigation of a topic worth learning more about.

Done by:

§ a small group of [students] within a class

§ by a whole class

§ or by an individual.

Key feature:

§ It is a research effort deliberately focused on finding answers to questions about a topic posed either by the [students], the teacher, or the teacher working with the [students].


“To learn more about the topic rather than to seek right answers to questions posed by the teacher.” Katz, L. (1994).

The following characteristics summarize this type of work (Stoller, 2001)

§ Project work focuses on content rather than a specific language target.

§ Project work is student centered. The teachers’ roles change. They give support and guide during the process.

§ Project work facilitates cooperative learning through group work. Students can share materials, ideas, and knowledge along the way.

§ Project work leads to integrate skills trough similar real life tasks.

§ Project works culminates in an end product (e.g., an oral presentation, a play, a talk show, a video, a contest, a magazine, a newspaper, a big book, a didactic game, a brochure.)

§ Project work is potentially motivating and challenging. It may develop students’ self-esteem, confidence and autonomy, as well as promoting students’ language skills, content learning, and cognitive abilities.

STEPS FOR DOING THE PROJECT: these stages can serve as a guide for the project development during the term. Pineda, D. (2009)

ü Topic Selection

ü Defining the format for the project

ü Exploration

ü Questioning

ü Planning

ü Monitoring

ü Presentation of the project

ü Evaluation

Prepared by Sandra Echeverri. 2011

Adapted by Foreign Languages Teacher Carolina Herrera 2012

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