domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

Level III Multilingua
Listening exercise (due to February 12th)

Hi guys, sorry for the delay. This is the activity you have to do. See you all in class. 

1. Listen to Amy Winehouse´s short biography
2. Take notes as you listen to the audio. 
3. Answer the questions below.   
   -Did you understand everyhting?
   -What questions do you have? 
   -Are there any new words for you? Which ones?
4. State as many questions as you can about her life. 
5. Using your own words and your notes, write a description about 
    her life. 
6. Listen to one of her songs. 
7. Be prepared to share the information in class. 


Click  HERE , you`ll fing a list of phrasal verbs. In class we`ll check the most used. Here are some: TURN ON TURN OFF GROW UP PICK U...